Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jan 24th Sick Day

Well I stayed home from work today.    I've been fighting this cold/sinus/allergy thing for too long.   Time for a big slug of Green Nightquil and transfer down to the Couch.   Nothing like staying home from work in a hoody sweat shirt and  your soft jogging pants (that's all I use them for), a nice blanket,  and watching Andy Griffith on the couch with a lap full of Papillons.   That's Good Medicine !!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Starkville Dog Show Jan 14 - 15

Well, we started our New Year dog show season this weekend.    It's back to work for the dogs, vacation is over !!!   We took Kix, Mimi, and Duke down to Starkville MS for the Golden Triangle Kennel Club of Mississippi dog show.    We had to compete against handlers this weekend and my heart always sinks when that happens.   The odds of our little Country Dogs doing well against handlers is greatly diminished.   We always have fun non the less having fun with our many friends (that's what it's all about anyway ).    Anyway,  we didn't get any points on our dogs this time.   Maybe next time   ...  oh well.   

Duke got to actually go inside the building this time.    He has gone to the dog show one other occasion but we kept him in the camper during the show.   He hadn't had all of his shots at that time and we didn't want to risk him getting sick.  He was entered in the Puppy B match on Saturday.    We were interested in seeing how he would react to all the other dogs and noises.    He took everything in stride and it didn't seem to bother him at all.    He even walked very well on his leash.   

Duke won Best of Breed in his "B" match over 4 or 5 other puppies and won a Group 3 in the Toy Group.     Way to go Little Man.    You saved the weekend.

Now he just needs to grow some coat and some britches to cover those gangly legs....   :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Run Forest Run !!!!!!!!

Well Saturday was mid 50's and very nice.   The dogs were able to stay outside for an extended period of play time.    They were Energized to say the least and the Race Was On !!!!!

New Duke Picture

For those of you that have been following the progress of our newest puppy Duke. Duke's rapidly growing into quite a handsome puppy.   His appearance is changing almost weekly.   He's dead center into that tall, lanky, awkward stage we call the UGLIES.   He's loosing his fuzzy puppy coat and is now certainly lacking in the "fur" department and trust me this shot is definately of his "best side  :) ".   Maybe in a few more weeks he'll come into his own.   Wish him luck, he's entered in his first puppy match this weekend.   We've been working on his leash training.   He still needs a little work.   This should be entertaining none the less.   

Saturday Boredom

Boredom is an emotional state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do.    Here at Lawood Paps under normal cumstances we don't condone putting silly hats or costumes on dogs.   Normally..........

:::   Duke :::

::: Kix :::