Monday, June 13, 2011

Paducah KY Dog Show June 12th

Well the tree cutters finally came out and cut down the huge oak trees that were hanging over the driveway. We were very glad to not have to drive under those things every day. But that caused us to have to get up Saturday and haul off several trailer loads of brush to the burning pile. We did that Saturday morning until it got soooo hot that we had to quit and do something else (Like wash three dogs for Sunday's dog show) .... :)

We got up very early Sunday and drove to Paducah KY to show three dogs. We left Mimi at home since we knew the judge on Sunday had a preference for smaller dogs. We showed Kix and Brooke and also carried Cruiser along to show as a special to try to "maybe" get some grand champion points for him.

Anyway, Kix showed well and did much better on the table, but he decided to throw in several spins in while in the ring. I suppose he thinks you get extra points for that. NOT !!! Brooke still doesn't travel well in the car and while in the ring it just seemed that she still wasn't feeling well.

So, now that I've made all of my excuses for the day.... :) Kix came out winning Reserve Winners Dog and Brooke won Reserve Winners Bitch. Arrrrgh ... The agony of defeat!!

The next show is in July, so all of us will be getting a little break.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Olive Branch Dog Show

We attended the Olive Branch Kennel Club dog show held June 4th and 5th. It was close enough to home and we had a late enough show time both days that we could just drive up for the shows both days. We only showed two dogs both days. We showed Kix and Brooke on Saturday and showed Kix and Mimi on Sunday.

Kix won his class both days and got to go back in for winners dog, but didn't see any purple ribbons this weekend. He's still a puppy though. His time will come.

Brooke won Winners Bitch and Best Opposite on Saturday for two (2) points. That brings her up to 11 points now.

Way to win Brooke. !!!

Mimi won Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, and Best Opposite on Sunday for two (2) points. That brings her up to 12 points. That means that she's now chasing a single major just like we had to do with Cruiser. (That'll be fun) :(

Way to win Mimi. !!!

Way to go Lawood Girls............