Monday, January 31, 2011

Lake Saint Louis Dog Show -- Results

We'll the dogs and us made it home from St Louis this weekend. Cruiser won Reserve winners dog both Saturday and Sunday. Mimi won Reserve winners bitch on Saturday. In other words NO POINTS !!! Bummer.Bummer. Bummer ...

The show was held in a horse arena on dirt. (well we'll call it dirt) The whole place reeked.

Outside you could tell that just that much farther north that it had been much colder there. All of the lakes and ponds were frozen over and the ground was frozen. It was warmer on Saturday and the ground had thawed up a little bit by afternoon and had heaved up this clay/mud stuff about 1 inch deep that was the consistency of chocolate puding. It got all over our shoes and stuff. By Sunday afternoon you could tell that it was about to start snowing again and they were predicting another winter storm. We bugged out and headed south before we got stuck in St Louis.

We had a fun trip none the less.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lake Saint Louis Dog Show

Well we're leaving right after work this Friday to travel north to the first dog show of the 2011 season. We'll be going to Lake Saint Louis MO. We're taking Cruiser, Mimi and Brooke. Kix is going too just for the ride and to get him used to the hustle and bustle of the whole dog show thing. Kix will be old enough to show after the end of February. Can you believe that !!!

Wish us luck. Both Saturday and Sunday is a three point major in Bitches and Mimi needs her second major win. Brooke needs any points that she can get. Also "IF" Cruiser could manage to go Winners Dog and then get Best of Winners he'll score his second major and finally be a FINISHED champion. All fingers and toes crossed.

Stay tuned for the results next week. I'm sure there'll be a story to tell.... :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kix (Latest Pics)

Hello all, we woke up to snow on the ground this morning. Not enough to take a snow day from work though. It was just enough to make driving in to work very interesting.

Anyway, here's some new Kix pictures (taken by our good friend Mary). He's growing up fast and changing quite a bit. You'll have to excuse him a little bit, he's entering into that gangly stage where they start to grow some ear fringes and go through what I call the "Phyllis Diller" stage. Can't wait till we can get him into the show ring. He's going to be a hoot.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello all

Well we've got Chistmas and New Year's behind us now and it's almost time to start showing dogs again. It won't be long now !!!

We're meeting up with a bunch of our dog show friends this weekend to just eat good food and hang out. We're taking Kix along so he can play with a bunch of other Pap pups his own age. He need's the extra socialization from other dogs and other people since he's from a single pup litter. (can you call a single puppy a litter ???) hmmmm

Anyway, I plan to take my camera (if I still remember how to use it) so check back soon and maybe I'll have those pictures that I've been promising.