The show held each year in Jackson TN is our home show, so we not only show the dogs (four of them entered all four days), but also work our tails off setting up everything and making sure all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. Let me tell you all of that makes for tons of work. We started the week on Monday with handling classes, then went up to the fairgrounds on Tuesday to mark off RV parking spots. We then carried the camper up Wednesday morning and stayed the rest of the week at the fairgrounds. I was in charge of Vendor Relations and Laura was in charge of RV parking and logistics as well as the B Match on Saturday night. Whew.... am I ever glad that's over. By the time we got finished on Sunday and helped tear everything down, get all of our stuff home and unloaded Laura and I are about as pooped as you can get.
Ok, on to the results. Mimi needed another major and one single point to finish her grand championship. She also needed to defeat at least one other champion to finish also. So... we broke our other finished AKC champion female Brooklyn out of retirement and entered her all four days also. Well, as our luck would have it Brooklyn won Select Bitch on Thursday for a 3 point Major towards her Grand Championship points total defeating Mimi. (but that's still good)
Mimi won Select Bitch on Friday for a 3 point Major / with defeated champions (that would be Brooklyn) and then only needed "one stinking point to finish)
Both Mimi and Brooklyn were defeated by handlers on Saturday.
On Sunday Mimi wins Best Opposite for another 3 point Major !!! That finished her Grand with four (4) Majors !!!
So... Mimi is now Grand Champion Lawood's Misty Christmas Memories and she can now join the newly Re-retired Brooklyn into permanent retirement. They both can just enter into the "Couch Potato Hall of Fame".
Next show is the second week in June at Paducah Ky. Now we're starting all over again and it's back to concentrating on showing the puppies and trying to get them finished. It's a never ending hobby, but it sure is lot's of fun.
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