Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
New Post ... Finally ... Yaaaah
Ok.. Ok.. I know, I have been lax about posting anything new. Trouble is we didn't have anything to announce. We've been going to shows lately and only showing the boy's (Kix and Duke) but other than Duke's win a couple months ago, its been quite a dry spell. So there really hasn't been a lot of stuff happening to blog about.
We did let the dogs out about a month ago and at one point they seemed to be raising more ruckus than normal, so I went outside to see what all the fuss was about and discovered a small Copperhead snake INSIDE the fenced in dog yard. I managed to get all the dogs inside and went back out and "dispatched" the intruder. However, Mimi our newly crowned "Grand Champion" had let her curiosity get the best of her and she had decided to see what a copperhead smelled like and had got bitten. Great, ... so me and Laura rush her to the vet and got shots and antibiotics for her. Her face was very swolen and she looked like a Japanese Chin for most of the day. I stayed home with her and watched her all day. Anyway, she was feeling better by that afternoon and she's absolutely fine now.
Ok on to more cheery subjects. Here's pictures of the newest puppies. We haven't posted pictures of them lately either. They've blown their puppy coats and have hit that growing spurt that all Papillons have early on and are in that long lanky stage we all call the UGLIES. But anyway, here's pictures of our skinny teenagers.
We did let the dogs out about a month ago and at one point they seemed to be raising more ruckus than normal, so I went outside to see what all the fuss was about and discovered a small Copperhead snake INSIDE the fenced in dog yard. I managed to get all the dogs inside and went back out and "dispatched" the intruder. However, Mimi our newly crowned "Grand Champion" had let her curiosity get the best of her and she had decided to see what a copperhead smelled like and had got bitten. Great, ... so me and Laura rush her to the vet and got shots and antibiotics for her. Her face was very swolen and she looked like a Japanese Chin for most of the day. I stayed home with her and watched her all day. Anyway, she was feeling better by that afternoon and she's absolutely fine now.
Ok on to more cheery subjects. Here's pictures of the newest puppies. We haven't posted pictures of them lately either. They've blown their puppy coats and have hit that growing spurt that all Papillons have early on and are in that long lanky stage we all call the UGLIES. But anyway, here's pictures of our skinny teenagers.
Rowdy and Faith
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Paducah KY dog show 2012
We traveled a little over two hours this weekend to this year's Paducah Kennel Club's annual dog show. It's held in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of an old corn field with absolutely no shade. It's always in June and it mostly alway's hotter'n (well you know). This year however is was relatively plesant with a nice breeze even thrown in. We camped in the Papillon Motel (our luxurious pop up camper) next to several of our very good dog show friends. We had a short but very enjoyable trip !!!
Since Mimi finished her Grand Championship last month, she got to stay home with the pet sitter this weekend. I don't think she understood why she had to stay home. She's been going to the shows for three years now. I don't know if she's gonna like retirement... lol.
Anyway, we just took Kix and Duke to the show this weekend. It felt funny just showing boys and not having any girls to show. Both Kix and Duke won second place in their respective classes on Saturday. Duke won "best papillon puppy" in the B match Saturday afternoon, got a group 1 in the Toy Group and got to go back in for Best in Show. We just wanted to enter him in the match to try to improve his table work and he ended up trying to show out. On Sunday Kix got third place in his class. Duke was entered in the 6 - 9 puppy class on Saturday and due to the way his birthday fell we had to bump him up to the 9 - 12 class on Sunday. Duke was the only entry in the 9 - 12 puppy class on Sunday. Duke showed very well and to our suprise managed to get the nod from the judge for Winners Dog for his very first points ( and a THREE POINT MAJOR to boot).
I'll try to take a more recent photo of him and get it onto the Blog. He's changed a bunch since the pictures here.
More later ... Yall stay tuned.
Since Mimi finished her Grand Championship last month, she got to stay home with the pet sitter this weekend. I don't think she understood why she had to stay home. She's been going to the shows for three years now. I don't know if she's gonna like retirement... lol.
Anyway, we just took Kix and Duke to the show this weekend. It felt funny just showing boys and not having any girls to show. Both Kix and Duke won second place in their respective classes on Saturday. Duke won "best papillon puppy" in the B match Saturday afternoon, got a group 1 in the Toy Group and got to go back in for Best in Show. We just wanted to enter him in the match to try to improve his table work and he ended up trying to show out. On Sunday Kix got third place in his class. Duke was entered in the 6 - 9 puppy class on Saturday and due to the way his birthday fell we had to bump him up to the 9 - 12 class on Sunday. Duke was the only entry in the 9 - 12 puppy class on Sunday. Duke showed very well and to our suprise managed to get the nod from the judge for Winners Dog for his very first points ( and a THREE POINT MAJOR to boot).
I'll try to take a more recent photo of him and get it onto the Blog. He's changed a bunch since the pictures here.
More later ... Yall stay tuned.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Our Babies .....
The puppies got their first puppy shots last weekend, so it's reasonably safe to let them go outside for their first soiree out in the real world (an evening on the front deck). They were a little apprehensive but that will be short lived. It won't be long before the zooming begins.
Monday, May 21, 2012
JTDFA / CKC Dog Show Jackson TN 2012
The show held each year in Jackson TN is our home show, so we not only show the dogs (four of them entered all four days), but also work our tails off setting up everything and making sure all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. Let me tell you all of that makes for tons of work. We started the week on Monday with handling classes, then went up to the fairgrounds on Tuesday to mark off RV parking spots. We then carried the camper up Wednesday morning and stayed the rest of the week at the fairgrounds. I was in charge of Vendor Relations and Laura was in charge of RV parking and logistics as well as the B Match on Saturday night. Whew.... am I ever glad that's over. By the time we got finished on Sunday and helped tear everything down, get all of our stuff home and unloaded Laura and I are about as pooped as you can get.
Ok, on to the results. Mimi needed another major and one single point to finish her grand championship. She also needed to defeat at least one other champion to finish also. So... we broke our other finished AKC champion female Brooklyn out of retirement and entered her all four days also. Well, as our luck would have it Brooklyn won Select Bitch on Thursday for a 3 point Major towards her Grand Championship points total defeating Mimi. (but that's still good)
Mimi won Select Bitch on Friday for a 3 point Major / with defeated champions (that would be Brooklyn) and then only needed "one stinking point to finish)
Both Mimi and Brooklyn were defeated by handlers on Saturday.
On Sunday Mimi wins Best Opposite for another 3 point Major !!! That finished her Grand with four (4) Majors !!!
So... Mimi is now Grand Champion Lawood's Misty Christmas Memories and she can now join the newly Re-retired Brooklyn into permanent retirement. They both can just enter into the "Couch Potato Hall of Fame".
Next show is the second week in June at Paducah Ky. Now we're starting all over again and it's back to concentrating on showing the puppies and trying to get them finished. It's a never ending hobby, but it sure is lot's of fun.
Ok, on to the results. Mimi needed another major and one single point to finish her grand championship. She also needed to defeat at least one other champion to finish also. So... we broke our other finished AKC champion female Brooklyn out of retirement and entered her all four days also. Well, as our luck would have it Brooklyn won Select Bitch on Thursday for a 3 point Major towards her Grand Championship points total defeating Mimi. (but that's still good)
Mimi won Select Bitch on Friday for a 3 point Major / with defeated champions (that would be Brooklyn) and then only needed "one stinking point to finish)
Both Mimi and Brooklyn were defeated by handlers on Saturday.
On Sunday Mimi wins Best Opposite for another 3 point Major !!! That finished her Grand with four (4) Majors !!!
So... Mimi is now Grand Champion Lawood's Misty Christmas Memories and she can now join the newly Re-retired Brooklyn into permanent retirement. They both can just enter into the "Couch Potato Hall of Fame".
Next show is the second week in June at Paducah Ky. Now we're starting all over again and it's back to concentrating on showing the puppies and trying to get them finished. It's a never ending hobby, but it sure is lot's of fun.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Tha' Puppies
The girl has always been Faith. As a matter of fact she has even had her official "FAITH" crate tag since before she was even born. I guess you can tell we were kinda hoping for at least one girl.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Maury County Kennel Club dog show April 28 - 29
Well I managed to get to the show site (thanks to Miss Garmin) and get the dogs in the ring without any major misshaps. All of our Papillon friends said I did a decent job showing the dogs on Saturday (not sure they would tell me if I didn't ... lol). Anyway I managed to win Reserve Winners Dog to a major with Kix. Dang ... so close ... He needs another major. And I won Best of Opposite bitch with Mimi and won two more points toward her grand championship. Not too bad for the Lawood second string.
On Sunday, Kix got second in his class and Mimi won Select Bitch and one more point on her Grand. This brings her to 22 points. She needs one more major and also needs to defeat one more finished champion and she's got her Grand Championship title. Hope she doesn't drag this out !!!
Stay tuned ... more later.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
New Abby Pups are HERE !!!
Well after one C-section and two trips to Nashville, the new Abby pups are here. Both mother and pups made it through the ordeal just fine. There all home now. The larger one with more body color is the boy and the smaller one with the wide blaze is the girl. It's a little early to be picking out names but so far we've come up with "Lawood's Dusty Trails into the Sunset" for the boy (Sunny) and "Lawood's Gotta Have Faith" for the girl (Faith) .. (subject to change of course)... :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Lawood Paps --- Busy, Busy, Busy
Just got back from the Birmingham show and we were fretting and hoping that the very fat very round Abby would wait and not go into labor while we were at the show. We had an appointment to take her to the reproduction specialist on Wednesday so they could do xrays and determine when or if to do a C-section this time. Abby has had a rough time with the last two litters, so we decided to take her to the pro's this time.
The x-ray showed at least two very large puppies (maybe one more) it was kinda blurry. Anyway, she made it and we left her in Nashville. Now we wait .........
Wish her luck !!!! And wish for girls this time. We have enough stinking hardheaded boys.
The x-ray showed at least two very large puppies (maybe one more) it was kinda blurry. Anyway, she made it and we left her in Nashville. Now we wait .........
Wish her luck !!!! And wish for girls this time. We have enough stinking hardheaded boys.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Birmingham dog show results
Birmingham dog show April 5,6,7,8 results. Mimi won Select Bitch on Thursday and also on Sunday. She won Best Opposite on Friday and Saturday. That should (if we calculate correctly) give her six more points toward her Grand Ch. That brings her up to 19 points.
Duke is six months old now and can be entered in the "real deal" dog show 6 - 9 puppy class. He won his class two days out of the four day show. Pretty good for his first show. He did show very well and we were quite pleased.
Kix won his class also three out of four days.
All in all it was a pretty good weekend.
Duke is six months old now and can be entered in the "real deal" dog show 6 - 9 puppy class. He won his class two days out of the four day show. Pretty good for his first show. He did show very well and we were quite pleased.
Kix won his class also three out of four days.
All in all it was a pretty good weekend.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
2012 Country Music Cluster Dog Show
Well like we mentioned before, We just got up Saturday morning and scurried over to Franklin Tn for the 2012 Country Music Cluster dog show. It felt funny just driving up, showing, and driving back home. It felt like we were forgetting a bunch of stuff. No suit cases, no hotel, and no multiple loading and unloading.
We chose to only show one day out of the four day's. We thought that judges just weren't right for our type of dogs and the other three days would be a waste of time. Turns out Saturday's judge looked the other way too. Oh well. And that's all I have to say about that. (Forrest Gump)
We bred one of our Females (Abby) about three weeks ago. I guess the only exciting aspect of the whole weekend was getting an ultrasound of Abby to see if we were indeed going to have puppies. We got great news. On or about April 15 we hope we'll have at least three fat healthy girls. No we don't know for sure, we're just hoping for girls. We have enough hard headed boy dogs !
We chose to only show one day out of the four day's. We thought that judges just weren't right for our type of dogs and the other three days would be a waste of time. Turns out Saturday's judge looked the other way too. Oh well. And that's all I have to say about that. (Forrest Gump)
We bred one of our Females (Abby) about three weeks ago. I guess the only exciting aspect of the whole weekend was getting an ultrasound of Abby to see if we were indeed going to have puppies. We got great news. On or about April 15 we hope we'll have at least three fat healthy girls. No we don't know for sure, we're just hoping for girls. We have enough hard headed boy dogs !
Monday, March 5, 2012
Tupelo Kennel Club -- March 3 - 4 2012
We traveled to Tupelo MS on Friday after work straight into the severe thunderstorms and tornados that were going south of us and going to miss us had we stayed home. I know that's not the smartest thing for us to do but I guess we're that dedicated. We loaded up Kix, Mimi, Minkle and Duke and headed south. It was about a two hour trip to the hotel. We theorized that if we took our time and arrived at 9:30 or 10:00 the storms would have already passed through and we'd be ok. Turns out we didn't have any problems.
Ok... Kix got second in his class both days. Kix has been sick lately and had to spend three nights at the vets office. We were just glad he is feeling better and was able to show this weekend. We were extreamly worried about him.
Mimi won Select Bitch both Saturday and Sunday and earned four more points toward her Grand Championship !!! That brings her up to 13 points so far. She's over half way. So she's the only one that earns the "three exclamation points" this time out. Way to win Mimi !!!
Duke was only entered in the Puppy B Match on Saturday. He did reasonably well but got second in his puppy class. He's just here for the practice and he's doing well so far. Duke will be 6 mos old this weekend, so he'll be able to be entered into the "Real Deal" very soon. We're going to sit him out for a while and let him grow some coat and ear fringes before we start showing him in the classes.
See you guys next time ... Stay tuned. Next stop is the Nashville Kennel Club show this weekend in Franklin TN. We're just going over to show one day on Saturday. Wish us luck.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Indianapolis Winter Clasic Dog Show
Ch Lawood Misty Christmas Memories
Laura attended the Indianapolis Winter Classic Dog Show this week. It was a four day show Feb 9 -12 hosted by the Hoosier Kennel Club and the Central Indiana Kennel Club. Laura split a hotel room with one of her dog show friends and I stayed home this time to baby sit all of the rest of our papillon crew and hold down the fort. I think this was the longest time span that me and the dogs have been left here in charge and unsupervised :) That was an adventure into itself. (Home Alone 4).
Anyway Mimi only needed one Major to finish. Thursday was not a major so she was pulled and got the day off.
Friday Mimi won Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, and Best of Opposite for a Three Point Major. She also won Best Bred By and got to go into the Bred By group. She didn't get a group placement but who cares. Mimi is now CH Lawood Misty Christmas Memories !!!!! Way to finish Mimi !!! We bumped her up to a Special for the rest of the weekend.
Saturday Mimi won Best of Opposite over other specials for a 5 point major toward her Grand Championship !!!
Sunday Mimi won Select Bitch for a 4 point major toward her Grand Championship !!!
That's two majors and 9 points toward her Grand CH.
Enough with the "!!!" 's already (I know) I'm just a little bit proud !!! (sorry)
Mimi grew a little faster that the other puppies way back when and she was noticeably larger so we started showing her in the "bred by" class early on. I always said that she stood out like Jethro in the sixth grade in the puppy class. Turns out to be a good thing because since she won all her points from the Bred By class, she will receive a Bred By medallion from AKC and an automatic invitation to the Eukanuba national.
Way to win MIMI ...
Who Knew ???
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Jan 24th Sick Day
Well I stayed home from work today. I've been fighting this cold/sinus/allergy thing for too long. Time for a big slug of Green Nightquil and transfer down to the Couch. Nothing like staying home from work in a hoody sweat shirt and your soft jogging pants (that's all I use them for), a nice blanket, and watching Andy Griffith on the couch with a lap full of Papillons. That's Good Medicine !!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Starkville Dog Show Jan 14 - 15
Well, we started our New Year dog show season this weekend. It's back to work for the dogs, vacation is over !!! We took Kix, Mimi, and Duke down to Starkville MS for the Golden Triangle Kennel Club of Mississippi dog show. We had to compete against handlers this weekend and my heart always sinks when that happens. The odds of our little Country Dogs doing well against handlers is greatly diminished. We always have fun non the less having fun with our many friends (that's what it's all about anyway ). Anyway, we didn't get any points on our dogs this time. Maybe next time ... oh well.
Duke got to actually go inside the building this time. He has gone to the dog show one other occasion but we kept him in the camper during the show. He hadn't had all of his shots at that time and we didn't want to risk him getting sick. He was entered in the Puppy B match on Saturday. We were interested in seeing how he would react to all the other dogs and noises. He took everything in stride and it didn't seem to bother him at all. He even walked very well on his leash.
Duke won Best of Breed in his "B" match over 4 or 5 other puppies and won a Group 3 in the Toy Group. Way to go Little Man. You saved the weekend.
Now he just needs to grow some coat and some britches to cover those gangly legs.... :)
Monday, January 9, 2012
Run Forest Run !!!!!!!!
Well Saturday was mid 50's and very nice. The dogs were able to stay outside for an extended period of play time. They were Energized to say the least and the Race Was On !!!!!
New Duke Picture
For those of you that have been following the progress of our newest puppy Duke. Duke's rapidly growing into quite a handsome puppy. His appearance is changing almost weekly. He's dead center into that tall, lanky, awkward stage we call the UGLIES. He's loosing his fuzzy puppy coat and is now certainly lacking in the "fur" department and trust me this shot is definately of his "best side :) ". Maybe in a few more weeks he'll come into his own. Wish him luck, he's entered in his first puppy match this weekend. We've been working on his leash training. He still needs a little work. This should be entertaining none the less.
Saturday Boredom
Boredom is an emotional state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do. Here at Lawood Paps under normal cumstances we don't condone putting silly hats or costumes on dogs. Normally..........
::: Duke :::
::: Kix :::
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