Well, no dog shows this past weekend. Laura and I both got to just stay at home and get stuff done around the house/petting zoo. All in all it was a nice cool peaceful weekend.
Two of our kids had birthdays this weekend. Casper is 4 years old and Brooklyn is a whopping one year old. As wild as Brook is, she's lucky to still be here. She has settled down somewhat though. Usually as in times past we take pictures of birthday dogs with stupid birthday hats on, but this time we decided to spare them the embarrassment. Casper (Lawood's Fiery Ghostrider) was born on Halloween weekend. He's another one of our puppies that named himself.
Next weekend it's off to dog shows again in Joplin Missouri followed by Springfield Missouri the following weekend. So, BREAKS OVER PUPPIES it's back to work for you guys knocking down those MAJORS.
Cruiser and Mimi are showing, as well as Brook (we're breaking her out of moth balls) and Casper's going too (just for moral support).
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