Well we were scheduled to attend the Maury County Kennel Club dog show April 28 and 29th. One of Laura's very best friend's mother passed away recently and she wanted to attend the memorial service so she said that we would either have to not go on Saturday or I could go and show the dogs SOLO. Well, I've shown before, but this would be a first for me to be totally in charge of logistics. Sooo..... Laura sent me off Saturday with Kix and Mimi (who came into season two days before the show ... Great) and Duke (who was along just for the ride ... we're trying to get him over his tendency for car sickness) and we headed off to Franklin Tennessee.
Well I managed to get to the show site (thanks to Miss Garmin) and get the dogs in the ring without any major misshaps. All of our Papillon friends said I did a decent job showing the dogs on Saturday (not sure they would tell me if I didn't ... lol). Anyway I managed to win Reserve Winners Dog to a major with Kix. Dang ... so close ... He needs another major. And I won Best of Opposite bitch with Mimi and won two more points toward her grand championship. Not too bad for the Lawood second string.
On Sunday, Kix got second in his class and Mimi won Select Bitch and one more point on her Grand. This brings her to 22 points. She needs one more major and also needs to defeat one more finished champion and she's got her Grand Championship title. Hope she doesn't drag this out !!!
Stay tuned ... more later.
Well after one C-section and two trips to Nashville, the new Abby pups are here. Both mother and pups made it through the ordeal just fine. There all home now. The larger one with more body color is the boy and the smaller one with the wide blaze is the girl. It's a little early to be picking out names but so far we've come up with "Lawood's Dusty Trails into the Sunset" for the boy (Sunny) and "Lawood's Gotta Have Faith" for the girl (Faith) .. (subject to change of course)... :)
Just got back from the Birmingham show and we were fretting and hoping that the very fat very round Abby would wait and not go into labor while we were at the show. We had an appointment to take her to the reproduction specialist on Wednesday so they could do xrays and determine when or if to do a C-section this time. Abby has had a rough time with the last two litters, so we decided to take her to the pro's this time.
The x-ray showed at least two very large puppies (maybe one more) it was kinda blurry. Anyway, she made it and we left her in Nashville. Now we wait .........
Wish her luck !!!! And wish for girls this time. We have enough stinking hardheaded boys.
Birmingham dog show April 5,6,7,8 results. Mimi won Select Bitch on Thursday and also on Sunday. She won Best Opposite on Friday and Saturday. That should (if we calculate correctly) give her six more points toward her Grand Ch. That brings her up to 19 points.
Duke is six months old now and can be entered in the "real deal" dog show 6 - 9 puppy class. He won his class two days out of the four day show. Pretty good for his first show. He did show very well and we were quite pleased.
Kix won his class also three out of four days.
All in all it was a pretty good weekend.