Monday, August 23, 2010

Memphis Southaven dog show August 19-22

Well this was another long four day dog show !! It began for me on my day off Wednesday. I loaded up the Papillon Motel solo and carried it down to one of our favorite places to camp in Southaven MS. I set the whole thing up by myself because my wife had to work Wednesday. She came down Wednesday after work and showed the dogs on Thursday and Friday. I had to work Thursday and Friday (someone has to earn a little money to support our dog show habit !!!)

I then came down Saturday morning to watch the dogs Saturday and Sunday. We then packed everything up and came home Sunday. I know, It gets complicated sometimes.

Anyway, Cruiser took Reserve Winners dog on Friday and again on Sunday.

Mimi (who has lost 1.5 pounds and is much slimmer) took Reserve Winners Bitch on Thursday and Saturday.

Brooke won first place in Puppy Sweepstakes on both Thursday and Friday. She also won best Papillon Puppy on Saturday.

Again nobody won points, but all the dogs showed well and we did win several reserves.

Oh, well maybe next time.... !!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Little Rock Arkansas Dog Show August 14 - 15

Well it certainly was a HOT weekend with temps in Little Rock far in excess of 100 degrees and that's without the heat index. H...O...T

Anyway we managed to show our three dogs ( Cruiser, Mimi, and Brooke).

Saturday, all three dogs won their classes. Cruiser and Mimi scored blue ribbons in their "bred by" classes and Brooke won her 9 - 12 puppy class.

Mimi won Reserve Winners Bitch to a five point major (not too shabby). Brooke also won "Best Papillon" in the best puppy competition. Of course that made us have to stick around till late afternoon to show Brooke in the best puppy toy group . She didn't make the cut but we were proud of her making it that far anyway.

Sunday, Mimi and Brooke won their classes, but no points.

All in All it was a pretty respectable weekend. Some points would have been nice but all of the dogs did very well.

The dogs only get three days off and it's off to Southaven MS for a four day show this Thursday.